CO2 Gas Refills
Your co2 Cylinder must comply with the following conditions.
- Bottle must be EMPTY
- A clear & visible date stamp MM/YY within 10 years
- A standard M30 thread size & be clean and in good working condition
- Have nothing attached (Regulators, PRV check valves or any fittings)
During Peak Times & EXTREME HEAT conditions, we may not be able to fill your bottle on the spot.
Unable to be refilled - ANY Rental Cylinders, such as BOC, Air Liquide, Supagas etc & SodaStream.
Other sizes between 1kg and 10kg will be charged at the per kilogram rate $15 per KG
We are NOT responsible for any loss of co2 after refilling.
We reserve the right to refuse a co2 refill of your cylinder if it does not adhere to any of the criteria above.