Licorice Root
Gin Botanicals 10g
Licorice Root is one of the ingredients used in the production of London style gin.
Licorice Root gives a sweet woody flavour and often has hints of anise or menthol qualities.
It's also used for herbal tea, and can be used as an alternative to sugar as a sweetener.
2-3g of Licorice Root is used in our London Dry botanical mix recipe.
Option 1
Macerate (crush & soak) in 40% neutral spirit for 24-48 hours. Remove botanicals by sieve or cloth filter. Leave for a further 24hrs and adjust with more botanicals to suit your taste.
Option 2
Run the botanicals through a 2nd pot distillation, collecting in small jars and then blending afterwards to taste.
*You must run a 1st distillation (without the botanicals) to ensure a nice clean product. After 1st distillation, water back down to 40% ABV and run a 2nd time with your botanicals.
Preferred method is the vapour path with a Botanical basket using a pot still (If using a Reflux column remove packing) and run taking cuts in jars until the flavour of the botanicals diminishes or Alcohol is reading 30% ABV.
Blend jars to suit your desired taste.